Mountain View Lodges: Where Lake Superior's Magic Meets Heartfelt Hospitality

Nestled on the shores of Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Mountain View Lodges stands as a testament to the power of following one's dreams and the unexpected joys of hospitality. For 21 years, owners Rick and Jenifer Varecha have been welcoming guests to their slice of paradise, creating a space where visitors can connect with nature, find healing, and make lasting memories.

Mountain View Lodges

A Serendipitous Beginning

The Varechas' journey into the world of hospitality wasn't planned, but it was always a dream they never thought would happen. As Jenifer recounts, it all started with a family vacation. "We had planned a trip to do a Circle Tour around Lake Superior one year," she explains. A series of mishaps, including a night spent sleeping in their car at a rest area due to a police convention taking all available rooms, led them to discover the beauty of the Apostle Islands and the Porcupine Mountains.

During this initial visit, they fell in love with a set of cabins they spotted. "He stopped and said, 'Oh, those are cool. Let's go look at those,'" Jenifer recalls. Despite her initial reluctance, Rick's insistence led to a viewing that would change their lives. The cabins were already fully booked, but they made reservations for the following year right then.

The Varechas stayed at these cabins several times over the years. During their last visit in 2003, they found out the property was for sale. Rick jokingly mentioned his desire to live such a lifestyle, to which the owner replied, "Get out your checkbook." This serendipitous moment led them to take the leap into innkeeping.

A Dream Realized

Owning a resort had always been a dream for the Varechas, one they never thought would happen. Jenifer shares, "Wherever we traveled we would ask ourselves, 'Could we live here? And do this?'" The dream actually began on their honeymoon in Colorado, where they saw some cabins for sale. "They wanted $120k. Rick said we could never spend that much money," Jenifer recalls with a laugh. "We traveled back there about 10-12 years ago. That property had just sold again... $7M! We were young and dumb!"

While they never actively pursued the dream, it came to them. With Rick's background in sales and Jenifer's experience in various jobs while raising their children, they decided to seize the opportunity. Even Jenifer's mom moved up with them to support their new venture.

Taking the Leap

With their diverse backgrounds, the Varechas saw an opportunity and seized it. Jenifer, who had been planning to open a glass studio, quickly pivoted. "The business plan morphed into, how do we run a lodging business?" she explains. They left their jobs, moved to the area, and embarked on their new adventure.

The Property

Mountain View Lodges is uniquely situated, offering guests an unparalleled natural experience. As Jenifer describes, "We're on Lake Superior, a mile from the largest state park in Michigan, which is 60,000 acres. And then nearby is the Ottawa National Forest, which is another million acres." This proximity to vast wilderness areas sets the stage for the healing and rejuvenating experiences many guests report.

Lessons Learned

When asked what advice they'd give their younger selves, Rick and Jenifer offer complementary insights that highlight the multifaceted nature of running a lodging business:

  1. Seek Expert Help: Jenifer emphasizes the importance of knowledge. "Find people who know how to do all the paperwork, all the tech stuff," she advises. She adds, "You don't know what you don't know. Even though we've been doing this 21 years, every single year, it's like, 'Oh, well, you could do this.' And I'm like, 'Well, why didn't somebody tell me that 20 years ago?'"

  2. Cultivate Patience: Rick's advice to his younger self is succinct but profound: he was going to learn patience. This insight underscores the importance of maintaining a calm and steady approach in a business that often involves unpredictable situations and diverse guest personalities.

  3. Value Your Property: Jenifer warns against undervaluing your services, especially during challenging times. She shares a pivotal experience from the 2008 recession: "Most of the other lodging properties in the area lowered their prices to get people to still come, and we raised ours. And consequently, the result of that was we made it through the year okay, because we charged more for the little bit of business we got, and everybody else was really struggling and fought for years to come back from that."

  4. Adapt to Changing Times: The Varechas have seen significant changes in guest expectations and business operations over the years. Jenifer notes how their registration process has evolved: "When we first started, we had one little thing that had people's names, address, phone number, and maybe an email, and that was the registration and they signed it. And as the years have gone on, now it's got a whole paragraph at the bottom plus an additional piece of paper people have to sign for other stuff."

A Healing Place

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Mountain View Lodges is its impact on guests. "It's a very healing place," Jenifer says. She shares a touching story that exemplifies this:

"We had one guy. He and his wife came. He was in his eighties. She was significantly younger than he. And they came many times, and then he ended up with stomach cancer, and they only gave him a matter of weeks to live. And so she said, well, what do you want to do? And he wanted to come back to Mountain View Lodges. And they did, and he spent the week, and he went back and lived, like, another eight months."

The property's allure is so strong that even as guests' children grow up and families can afford more exotic destinations, they often choose to return to Mountain View Lodges. "They can pick somewhere overseas. They can pick Hawaii. They can, you know, do whatever they want, and they pick Mountain View Lodges," Jenifer says with pride.

The Magic of Lake Superior

A significant part of the lodge's appeal is its location on Lake Superior. Jenifer explains the unique draw of this particular Great Lake: "There's just something about Lake Superior that all the Great Lakes have an energy about them. But Lake Superior is truly something special." This unique energy contributes to the healing and rejuvenating atmosphere that guests experience.

Lessons from Guests

Over the years, the Varechas have learned valuable lessons from their guests, with both Rick and Jenifer highlighting different aspects:

  1. The Inherent Goodness of People: "No matter what the news cycles say, most people are really kind and they want to be here, and the world's not as horrific as the news cycle would make it seem," Jenifer reflects.

  2. Appreciation for Simple Pleasures: She also notes that guests often appreciate things more than innkeepers might expect. "Even though we underestimate the things that we do, most people are just so pleased with being able to do this that we don't need to beat ourselves up as much," she says.

  3. The Value of Diverse Perspectives: The Varechas have hosted guests from all walks of life, including international visitors. "The first year we were here, we had people from, I think, 17 different countries that summer," Jenifer recalls. These interactions have broadened their worldview and enriched their experience as innkeepers.

  4. The Importance of Patience: Echoing his advice to his younger self, Rick notes that what he has learned most from guests is patience. This skill is crucial in providing excellent customer service and managing the various situations that arise in the hospitality industry.

More Than Just a Business: Creating "Happy Places"

For the Varechas, running Mountain View Lodges is more than just a business—it's a way of life and a means of creating joy for others. They've formed lasting friendships with many of their guests, some of whom they now visit when they travel. Jenifer shares a heartwarming example: "One couple, they came, and she was just about nine months pregnant. She was huge. They've been coming ever since. Now their son's in high school, and we see them every year, and we visit them when we go on vacation."

This connection with guests has made their venture deeply rewarding. "We're just really, really grateful that this is what we've been able to do for a living," Jenifer says. She encourages others to pursue their dreams, even if it seems risky. "If there's something that you think you really want to do, do it."

What's particularly gratifying for the Varechas is how their guests view Mountain View Lodges. As Jenifer proudly shares, "Most of our guests refer to Mountain View Lodges as 'My happy place!'" This sentiment encapsulates the Varechas' primary goal: to help their guests create great lifetime memories. It's a testament to the warm, welcoming atmosphere they've cultivated and the unique experiences their property offers.

Challenges and Adaptations

Like many in the hospitality industry, Mountain View Lodges has faced challenges, particularly in recent years. Jenifer notes that election years are often difficult, as uncertainty can impact travel plans. However, she's also observed some counterintuitive trends:

  1. Economic Downturns: Surprisingly, economic challenges don't always negatively impact their business. "Things that the news cycle would say, you know, the economy's tanked, and this is horrible. And that's horrible. Gas prices are through the roof. Those are our best years," Jenifer reveals.

  2. Pandemic Impact: Contrary to expectations, "The COVID years 2020 and 2021 were record breakers," she shares, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the business.

  3. Cancellation Policies: To protect their business, the Varechas have implemented a strict 60-day cancellation policy. Jenifer explains, "If you cancel, we need to have time to try to re-rent. And even 60 days is often not enough once people start locking their plans in place."

A Legacy of Hospitality

As Mountain View Lodges continue to welcome guests year after year, it stands as a testament to the power of following one's dreams and the profound impact that heartfelt hospitality can have. The Varechas have created more than just a place to stay; they've built a haven where people can connect with nature, find healing, and create lasting memories.

For those looking to experience the magic of Lake Superior and the warm hospitality of the Varechas, Mountain View Lodges offers beautiful, fully equipped, condo-style cabins right on the sandy shore. It's no wonder they're ranked #1 out of 6 lodging properties in Ontonagon, with high marks for location (4.9), cleanliness (4.9), service (4.8), and value (4.6).

To plan your own rejuvenating stay at Mountain View Lodges, visit their website at Who knows? You might just find yourself returning year after year, drawn by the healing energy of Lake Superior and the heartfelt hospitality of the Varechas.